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Encontrados 205 registros contendo "Africa"

Lula criticizes EU austerity policies and says that “they punish the crisis’ victims and reward those responsible for it”

Lula criticizes EU austerity policies and says that “they punish the crisis’ victims and reward those responsible for it”

Leia em português             Lire en français Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva criticized Thursday (May 3rd) the austerity policies that are being used to address the crisis in Eu... […]

Former President Lula defends more partnerships between Brazil and South Africa

Former President Lula defends more partnerships between Brazil and South Africa

During a lecture to businessmen on Friday (Nov. 16) in Johannesburg, South Africa, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said more partnerships between the business sectors of Brazil and South Af... […]

Clara Ant: 'Brazil and Africa undergo simultaneous processes of economic development'

Clara Ant: 'Brazil and Africa undergo simultaneous processes of economic development'

Responsible for coordinating the agenda of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Clara Ant was a senior adviser to the former president and has run the Africa Initiative for the Lula Institute since last August.... […]

"It was a honor to be a contemporary to Eric Hobsbawm", says Lula on a letter to Hobsbawn's widow

"It was a honor to be a contemporary to Eric Hobsbawm", says Lula on a letter to Hobsbawn's widow

Former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sent a letter to Marlene Schwartz, widow of Eric Hobsbawm. In that letter, Lula says that Hobsbawm was "one of the most lucid, brilliant and courag... […]

5.770, o ano novo judaico: é tempo de transição

5.770, o ano novo judaico: é tempo de transição

Em mensagem enviada hoje ao presidente da Confederação Israelista Brasileira (Conib), Claudio Lottemberg, com cópia para todas as demais organizações e lideranças da comunidade judaica no Brasil, o pr... […]